Daftar perintah chatting, didahului dengan slash (/) atau titik (.)
/quit Keluar dari chatting
/me aksi ato emosi. Menunjukkan aksi atau emosi. Misal: /me sedih
/msg username teks Mengirim pesan privat ke username termaksud
/join channel Bergabung dengan channel lain
/whois username Menampilkan info username
/who channelname Menampilkan daftar semua user yang di channel itu
/users Menampilkan daftar semua user yang di server
/ignore username Menolak semua pesan dari username
/unignore username Menerima kembali semua pesan dari username
/ignorelist Menampilkan daftar user yang anda "ignore"
/oplist Shows a list of temp and perm operators (ops) and marks the temp ops with brackets.
/oplist channel Shows a list of temp and perm operators (ops) in the given channel.
/away message Switches to away mode and sets the away message
/away Leaves the away mode again

If you are operator in a channel, you have following additional commands:
/op username Allows you to grant operator rights for somebody else
/deop username Takes away the operator rights from a temporary operator
/kick username Throws a user out from the channel
/mute username Does not let that user speak anymore without him noticing it